Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Medical transcription outsourcing; A catalyst for quality healthcare

The core objective of any healthcare facility is to provide quality healthcare. There may be other goals like strengthening the bottom-line, gaining a reputation for providing quality care, minimizing litigation issues and research etc. All these are important milestones to the final goal of providing quality healthcare.

As a healthcare facility grows it becomes important for administrators and chief doctors to start focusing on activities other than healthcare. These are activities that act like catalysts in the process of healthcare. They speed or impede the process of healthcare without actually participating in the process.

One such activity is that of medical transcription, which plays an important role in the process of healthcare. The convenience of accessing patient records at the click of a button/mouse can be invaluable to a healthcare professional as information plays a key role in further treatment plan, verifying test results, and referrals or simply as evidence in case of litigations.

An easy and convenient option available to healthcare facilities for medical transcription is that of outsourcing their needs to a professionally managed medical transcription service provider who will provide tailor made solutions to take care of their medical transcription needs.

What defines a professionally managed medical transcription service provider?

  • Accuracy: This means the percentage of accuracy of the completed transcripts vis-à-vis what was dictated. A minimum of 99% and above would be acceptable.

  • Turnaround time: Turnaround time refers to the time taken to revert the transcribed report to the healthcare facility. A turnaround time of not more than 24 hours for normal reports and 4-12 hours for STAT reports would be considered ideal.

  • Data security: The service provider being outsourced to should be HIPAA and HITECH compliant. The medical transcription service provider has to have adequate security measures to ensure that the confidential data transmitted back and forth is safe and secure.

  • Pricing: Reduced costs are one of the main benefits that a healthcare facility hopes to have, from the outsourcing option. Pricing should be fair and reasonable for the services rendered. Pricing method should also be transparent and simple so that both parties can verify the same at any stage of the process. 
Outsourcing medical transcription help a healthcare facility focus more on the core business by freeing up resources that would have been used for in-house medical transcription:

  • Capital investment: By outsourcing medical transcription a healthcare facility can free up capital investment that would have otherwise been dedicated to medical transcription.

  • Management resources: A sizable portion of management time would be spent on coordinating medical transcription activities. Outsourcing medical transcription would free up these management resources to concentrate on the core business.

  • Real estate: The space allocated to medical transcription would be freed up by outsourcing medical transcription.

  • Information technology: IT resources which would be required for coordinating medical transcription in-house would be freed up by outsourcing medical transcription.

  • Human resources department: Recruiting and training of medical transcriptionists takes a large chunk of the Human resource department’s time, this would be freed up by outsourcing medical transcription. 
Partnering with a professionally managed medical transcription service provider like TransDyne would have benefits like a 99% accuracy, with a turnaround time of 24 hours, data transmission through secure channels and pricing which is both reasonable and transparent. TransDyne offers benefits like flexibility with regards to varying volumes of transcription, holiday & weekend transcription, archival facilities with secure and easy access, free trial and promotional offers etc.

This creates a synergy of core competency of the healthcare facility with the expert medical transcription services of TransDyne to create superb healthcare services.

To avail complete medical transcription services from TransDyne, click here

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