Nephrology is a branch of internal medicine and pediatrics dealing with the study of the function and diseases of the kidney. Nephrology concerns itself with the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte disturbances and hypertension and the care of those requiring renal replacement and hypertension and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, including dialysis and renal transplant patients. Many diseases affecting the kidney are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself. Healthcare professionals who have been educated and trained in kidney diseases, kidney transplantation and dialysis therapy are known as nephrologists.
Medical transcription is the process of converting the audio records of healthcare professional-patient encounter into text format, which then forms a permanent part of the patient’s health record. This ensures the continuity of care by ensuring the patient’s detailed health history is available as reference.
Medical transcription for Nephrology requires the skill level of medical transcriptionists to be high. The medical transcriptionists need to be well versed in the terminology, techniques and procedures that form part of Nephrology.
TransDyne acknowledges that the field of medicine is vast and has many specialties; therefore medical transcription for a particular specialty requires the team providing medical transcription support to have in-depth knowledge about the specialty. This ensures that the audio records dictated by the specialists are fully understood by the medical transcriptionists and the records are transcribed with maximum accuracy and within the requisite turnaround time.
TransDyne has a team of specially trained medical transcriptionists working on Nephrology medical transcription. This team has been extensively trained on the terminology, techniques and procedures related to Nephrology.
How does specialty training in Nephrology in medical transcription affect accuracy?
Specialist training in Nephrology medical transcription ensures that the teams working on the transcripts are domain experts. This ensures familiarity with the “language” used by the nephrologists and reduces errors dramatically ensuring maximum accuracy.
How does specialty training in Nephrology in medical transcription affect turnaround time?
Turnaround time of the finished transcripts is dependent on the skill level of the medical transcriptionists. Specialty training in Nephrology transcription helps develop the skill level of the medical transcriptionists, thus enabling them to meet turnaround time commitments.
How does specialty training in Nephrology in medical transcription affect pricing?
Specialist training in Nephrology increases the productivity of medical transcriptionists and also minimizes errors. Both these factors help bring down the cost per line of transcription.
TransDyne gives healthcare professionals in Nephrology the benefit of specialist transcription maintaining high levels of accuracy, turnaround time and reasonable prices.
Not only that, availing medical transcription services from TransDyne has the following benefits:
Data Security: TransDyne ensures data security during the process of medical transcription by incorporating security measures like 128-bit data encryption, multi-tiered application architecture, design level security, safeguards, firewall protected networks, sterilized e-mail servers, denial of access procedure and multi modal alerts. TransDyne also ensures data security by ensuring that the data doesn’t leave their premises physically. To ensure secure medical transcription all the transcription is done in the company’s own premises and the premises are secured through appropriate security measures. TransDyne meets and exceeds all HIPAA regulations that apply to electronic exchange of information.
Technology: Considering that time is one of the most precious commodities for healthcare professionals, TransDyne believes in using technology that provides multiple features with ease of use. Some of the features of the software and tools used by TransDyne are as follows:
Smart upload: TransDyne offers healthcare professionals the choice of using modes of dictation they are already comfortable with. Then these files can be uploaded to the servers to be made available for transcription. Smart upload enables transfer of dictation files from the healthcare facility’s server to TransDyne’s server by checking for new dictations at pre-fixed intervals.
Web Delivery: TransDyne’s web delivery system tackles all issues related with tracking dictations, receiving documents and finding old files form the archives.
Smart Delivery: Smart delivery is an automated program that addresses the automatic downloads, saving files and printing needs of a healthcare facility.
HL7 integration: TransDyne can configure and send healthcare information as HL7 messages to the client’s EMR with no additional costs.
To know more about Nephrology medical transcription services by TransDyne, click here.
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